Friday, March 20, 2009


Selamat bercuti to all MKJB-ian... n i know inda semua dpt enjoy their holiday... tp apa buleh buat kn... :'( sabar saja....!!! so... atu saja kali hehehe... to ND2-EEE... see u guys d skulah this holiday... :') hahahaha~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't Panic..!!!

Assalamualaikum dan apa khabar semua? it's been a while sudah aku inda men-update this blog psl im a busy man... so sorry....

Hmm..byk info ni aku kn share sama first of all, congrates to all mkjb students yg telah lulus dlm phase test 2 dan bagi mereka yg gagal.. jgn putus asa dan buat yg terbaik untuk phase test 3 yg akan dtg.. dlm bulan 5 akan dtg... so all the best.

Second... To Abg Adeb... yg memenangi tempat ke-2 dlm pertandingan CIPTA 2009, tahniah atas kejayaan biskita... u make MKJB proud...!! n bila lg kn blanja junior2 mu ani.... manang $4K...  :P hahaha... kidding... sekali lagi... Tahniah...  ;)

Third, just want to inform u (ND-2 EEE) regarding assignment and report... Due date PLC assignment is on 18 March... EP3 assignment is on 17 March... and Final Year Draft Report is on 19 March...!!! dont panick...!!! hehehe...

ke-4... regarding final year project... bila ia mesti d siap kn sepenuh nya??? including final report??? u wanna know... from cikgu Shaera, she said due date nya is on 30th March... we only got 14 to 15 days left....!!!! Ohh my god... inda terasa eh.... n n satu lg... the assesement is on 6th April...!!! So guys.... dont give up.... n we have to rush to the max...!!!!!

ke-5, on 19th March it is a school function... so make sure u guys hadir ke college. cos... ada function (ceramah n tausyeh) sempena sambutan Mauludir Rasul S.A.W. 2009.

ke-6, cuti pengkal ke-dua akan bermula dr hari jumaat, 20th March until 29th March... 9 hari cuti... hmmm... okay... mencukupi... hahaha... i think cuti ani mcm inda cuti ne...cos most of us will spend more time finishing their project kat college... sabar saja.... tgl 2 bulan stgh lg... we will end this course... :D

ke-7, i heard most of the classmates ada sudah kana assign tmpt attachment masing2 nnt... im gonna miss u guys... *sob sob* ahahaha alum papa... sudah tia sedih2... ish3...

ke-8, last thursday the BSP company ada membagi few things to our college for learning purpose...if im not mistaken... barang2 atu is for ICE student... kali lah.... im not sure... hehehe

Aku rasa atu saja info2 yg ku ada masa nie... hehehe~

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Group study or What??? hehehe~

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