Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pnd ee

sebalah kiri yg ukan pkai spec tu c vance@wong teck wei..c kids ya nie..joke..hehe..well..i know him time ku baru2 masuk mkjb jua..he's very talkative but i already get used to it..hehe..he's my cousin jauh..haah..:) and yg pkai spec ti maglas ank manggau..he's clever in pure science and math..hehe..nda rugi kwn sma ya nie:)

ini adi faiz bin rais or as we know jehh..he's a cool guy..siuk bekwn sma ya..chill urgnya..baru ku knl ya time baru2 msuk mkjb..and he's friendly:)owned by my bestfriend siimayarastika..:) owh yea..ia suka gambar aku candid2..hee..pastu ya post arh blognya..talur..hehe

intoducing..haji muhd khairul bin hj a.rahni..he's the singer in our class..very funny and always act cool..andang cool jua urgnya..whatelse?owh yea..he's my classmate from my previous school..siuk nie bekwn sma ya..nda pendendam..baik..:) owned by amal his gurlfee..ukan amal mkjb..amal haris..hee:)

update yg lain later:)
peace V

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